Our studio has two rooms that are Dolby Atmos compatible.
Can be produced in 7.1.4ch and 5.1.2ch working environments.
We are equipped with a Foley recording booth, a voice recording booth, and a booth that allows DJ distribution, so we can accommodate a variety of situations. We support creative projects in a professional acoustic environment.

7.1.4ch Dolby Atmos
Our studio's 7.1.4ch Dolby Atmos compatible room allows you to produce in the best home surround environment.
Add realism to your projects and provide the highest quality audio experience.
Atomos Room ONE

5.1.2ch Dolby Atoms
The 5.1.2ch room allows multiple creators to work together and produce in an environment that achieves high-quality audio.
The perfect space for collaborative projects and creative ideas.
Atomos Room

Foley Recording
Our Foley Room has a concrete floor that is 70cm thick, making it possible to record footsteps. Equipped with a variety of materials such as asphalt and marble. Water and hot water are also available, making it an ideal environment for recording fragile items.

Voice Recording
This Voice Recording Room is a room that can record completely dry sounds.
Seamless integration with Control Room allows you to record the highest quality voice. Provides an ideal environment for voice actors and artists.

Our Streaming Room uses a green screen and is equipped with a booth that allows live streaming with UE5.
DJ artists are delivering attractive live broadcasts here. Introducing you to a new dimension of creativity and entertainment.

Our studio is fully equipped with a sauna, which customers and employees can use with prior application.
A luxurious environment that combines relaxation and refreshment to help you relieve stress.