GOLD users only
download page
This is the installation procedure for the download file.
RIGDOCKS Bridge is required to use AZSTOKE_SILVER
1:(Download Win X64) button to download the zip.
2: Right-click and extract zip.
Click here for more frequently asked questions.
1:(Download Win X64) button to download the zip.
2: Right-click and extract zip.
2: Right-click and extract zip.
3: The following files are included.
License/sws_License.txt: sws MIT license text included
AZSTOKE_BRONZE-(version).dmg: api installer
*If you double-click the installer while Reaper is running, a pop-up will appear.
Please close Reaper before proceeding.
4: Double-click the installer (.exe) to open the setup window
Press "Next" button.
5: Please confirm the Terms of Service and press "I agree".
For other frequently asked questions, please click here
6: This will take you to the sws installation screen.
If you have not installed the software, please check the box.Click "Next.
7: You can specify where to install the software.
Press "Install".
8: Installation is complete.
Press "Next."
9: Setup is now complete.
Press "Finish.
1: Restart Reaper
Select "Open action/action list"
2: New action/Select new ReaScript
3: Set any file name and file type
Select "Lua files(*.lua)" and generate the file
4: Enter [AZ_] and a list will appear.
It can be determined that API can be used.5: From here on, feel free to use the API to create your own.
We will publish Lua Script/API documentation every Wednesday.
Please read the following page.BookMarkThank you.
1: Install python. Get the installer for the 3.7.X version of python.
*This version is recommended for future Wwapi etc. 3.7.X.
3: Install now with Install Now.
4: C:\Users\○○\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37
Check if python37.dll is in the above folder.
5: Launch Reaper and open Options Preferences.
6: ReaScript/Python
-Enable: ☑
-Python.dll Custom path: Folder path where the dll is located"C:\Users\○○\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37"
-python.dll :python37.dll
7: Open action/action list
8: Select new action/new ReaScript
9: Set any file name and select the file type as "Python files (*.py)" to generate the file
10: Enter [AZ_] and a list will appear.
It can be determined that the API can be used.
11: From here on, feel free to use the API to create your own.
We will publish Lua Script/API documentation every Wednesday.
Please read the following page.BookMarkThank you.
RIGDOCKS Bridge is required to use AZSTOKE_SILVER
1:(Download Win X64) button to download the zip.
2: Right-click and extract zip.
Click here for other frequently asked questions.
1: (Download Mac OS) Press the button to download the zip.
3: The following files are included.
License/sws_License.txt: sws MIT license text included
AZSTOKE_BRONZE-(version).dmg: api installer
4: Double-click the installer (.pkg) to launch the setup window
Press "Continue.
5: You will be on the license agreement page. Press "Continue."
6: Please confirm the Terms of Service and press "I agree".
2: Right-click and extract zip.
7: You can specify where to install the software.
Press "Install".
8. Enter your Mac password and click "Install Software"
9: Installation is complete.
Press "Next."
For other frequently asked questions, please click here
1: Restart Reaper
Select "Open action/action list"
2: Select new action/New ReaScript
3: Set any file name, select the file type as "Lua files (*.lua)" and generate the file
4: Enter [AZ_] and a list will appear.
It can be determined that the API can be used.
5: From here on, feel free to use the API to create your own.
We will publish Lua Script/API documentation every Wednesday.
Please read the following page.BookMarkThank you.
1: Install python.
2: Get the python 3.7.X or later version installer.
*This version is recommended for future Wwapi etc. 3.7.X.
*If you are using an M1 Mac, please obtain the one labeled "universal2 installer".
3: Run the obtained installer and install it.
4: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/(version)/lib
Check whether libpython(version).dylib is included in the above folder.
5: Launch Reaper and open "REAPER" >"Preference".
6: ReaScript/Python
-Enable: ☑
-Python.dll Custom path: Folder path where the dll is located
-python.dylib: python (version)
Select OK and restart Reaper.
7: Open action/action list
8: Select new action/new ReaScript
9: Set any file name and select the file type as "Python files (*.py)" to generate the file
*The file name must be entered up to ".py".
10: Enter [AZ_] and a list will appear.
It can be determined that the API can be used.
11: From here on, feel free to use the API to create your own.
We will publish Lua Script/API documentation every Wednesday.
Please read the following page.BookMarkThank you.