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- Script Code -



trackNameList = {"pl0000","pl1000","pl2000","pl3000","pl4000"}

trackColorList = {33554304,33521664,25165824,16777471,21004543}

retval,inputList = reaper.AZ_GetUserInputList("SourceImportPath",1,"Path :","D:/")

if retval then

--Get Master Select Track 

   masterTrack = reaper.AZ_GetTrackItemSelect(0,0,1)

   masterName = reaper.AZ_GetTrackItemName(masterTrack)

   masterDepth = reaper.AZ_GetTrackItemDepth(masterTrack)

   for i, value in pairs(trackNameList) do

       if masterName == trackNameList[i] then


          masterColor = trackColorList[i]



--Get FileList

   fileAllList = {}

   fileList = reaper.AZ_GetFilePathList(inputList[1],"Wav")

   for i, value in pairs(fileList) do

       splitList = reaper.AZ_GetStringSplitList(value,"\\")

       splitCount = 0

      for e, sp in pairs(splitList) do

          splitCount = splitCount + 1


      fileAllList[i] = {}

      fileAllList[i]["Path"] = value

      fileAllList[i]["SourceName"] =  reaper.AZ_ReplaceSearchString(splitList[splitCount],".wav","")




--Get Master Track Children

   childList,masterChildCount = reaper.AZ_GetTrackItemChildList(masterTrack)

   childInfoList = {}

   for i, value in pairs(childList) do

       childInfoList[i] = {}

       childInfoList[i]["TrackName"]= reaper.AZ_GetTrackItemName(value)


       childInfoList[i]["TrackMediaCount"] = reaper.AZ_GetTrackItemMediaTypeCount(value,"")

       childId = reaper.AZ_GetTrackItemIndex(value)


       for e = 1,childInfoList[i].TrackMediaCount do

           childInfoList[i][e] = {}

           childInfoList[i][e]["MediaName"] = reaper.AZ_GetTrackMediaName(0,childId,e-1)

           childInfoList[i][e]["MediaPos"]= reaper.AZ_GetTrackMediaStartTimeSeconds(0,childId,e-1)



--delet trackNameList & trackBaseList create 

    trCount = reaper.AZ_GetTrackCountSelect(0,0)

    deletIDList = {}

    idCount = 0

    for i = 0,trCount-1 do

        name = reaper.AZ_GetTrackIdName(0,i)

        for i, value in pairs(trackNameList) do

            if name == value then

               idCount = idCount + 1

               deletIDList[idCount] = i




    table.sort(deletIDList,function(a,b) return (a>b)end)

    for i = 1,idCount do





    for i, value in pairs(trackNameList) do

        count = reaper.AZ_GetTrackCountSelect(0,0)

        track = reaper.AZ_InsertTrackId(0,count)





        for e = 1,masterChildCount do

            childTrack = reaper.AZ_InsertChildTrack(track)



            for x = 1,childInfoList[e].TrackMediaCount do

                newMediaName = reaper.AZ_ReplaceSearchString(childInfoList[e][x].MediaName,string.lower(masterName),string.lower(value))

                for z, value in pairs(fileAllList) do

                    if newMediaName == fileAllList[z].SourceName then









- Warm Up -

  • Create a base track/child track

  • Prepare all media for the base pl0000 you are using, with everything matching except the base name.

- Script Detail -



・Enable SilverAPI

trackNameList = {"pl0000","pl1000","pl2000","pl3000","pl4000"}

trackColorList = {33554304,33521664,25165824,16777471,21004543}

・Set the base name and color to an array

retval,inputList = reaper.AZ_GetUserInputList("SourceImportPath",1,"Path :","D:/")

・Set up text input (allows user to specify folder hierarchy)

if retval then

・If text input is enabled, do the following:

--Get Master Select Track 

   masterTrack = reaper.AZ_GetTrackItemSelect(0,0,1)

   masterName = reaper.AZ_GetTrackItemName(masterTrack)

   masterDepth = reaper.AZ_GetTrackItemDepth(masterTrack)

・Get the selected master track/name/hierarchy and assign it to each variable

   for i, value in pairs(trackNameList) do

       if masterName == trackNameList[i] then


          masterColor = trackColorList[i]



・Check the contents of the matching array in the master track, find the color, and assign it to a variable

--Get FileList

   fileAllList = {}

   fileList = reaper.AZ_GetFilePathList(inputList[1],"Wav")

・Output the wav files contained in the specified folder path as an array and assign them to fileList.

   for i, value in pairs(fileList) do

       splitList = reaper.AZ_GetStringSplitList(value,"\\")

       splitCount = 0

      for e, sp in pairs(splitList) do

          splitCount = splitCount + 1


      fileAllList[i] = {}

      fileAllList[i]["Path"] = value

      fileAllList[i]["SourceName"] =  reaper.AZ_ReplaceSearchString(splitList[splitCount],".wav","")



・Output the source name from filePath and assign it to the fillAllList array


--Get Master Track Children

   childList,masterChildCount = reaper.AZ_GetTrackItemChildList(masterTrack)

・Output the child tracks of the master track and assign them to childList, and assign the number of child tracks to masterChildCount.

   childInfoList = {}

   for i, value in pairs(childList) do

       childInfoList[i] = {}

       childInfoList[i]["TrackName"]= reaper.AZ_GetTrackItemName(value)

・Assign the name of each child track to childInfoList


・Child tracks of a master are colored the same as the master

       childInfoList[i]["TrackMediaCount"] = reaper.AZ_GetTrackItemMediaTypeCount(value,"")

・Get the number of media in each child track

       childId = reaper.AZ_GetTrackItemIndex(value)



       for e = 1,childInfoList[i].TrackMediaCount do

・Loop playback for each child track's media amount

           childInfoList[i][e] = {}

           childInfoList[i][e]["MediaName"] = reaper.AZ_GetTrackMediaName(0,childId,e-1)

           childInfoList[i][e]["MediaPos"]= reaper.AZ_GetTrackMediaStartTimeSeconds(0,childId,e-1)

・Get the media name and position and assign them to each variable



--delet trackNameList & trackBaseList create 

    trCount = reaper.AZ_GetTrackCountSelect(0,0)

    deletIDList = {}

    idCount = 0

    for i = 0,trCount-1 do

        name = reaper.AZ_GetTrackIdName(0,i)

・Get the names of all tracks and assign them to name

        for i, value in pairs(trackNameList) do

・Loop playback for the sequence of bass names

            if name == value then

・If all track names and base names match, do the following:

               idCount = idCount + 1

               deletIDList[idCount] = i

・If it matches the base name, it will be deleted from the base

 ※Recognize that it has already been made




    table.sort(deletIDList,function(a,b) return (a>b)end)

・Sort deletIDList in descending order

    for i = 1,idCount do



・Delete from the base array



    for i, value in pairs(trackNameList) do

・Loop playback for bass

        count = reaper.AZ_GetTrackCountSelect(0,0)

・Get the total number of tracks and assign it to count

        track = reaper.AZ_InsertTrackId(0,count)

・Insert a track at the end of a track





・Set the name, level and color of the insert track

        for e = 1,masterChildCount do

・Supports for loops for the number of child tracks

            childTrack = reaper.AZ_InsertChildTrack(track)

・Insert a child track for each added bass track



・Name and color child tracks

            for x = 1,childInfoList[e].TrackMediaCount do

・For loop for the number of media in the child track

                newMediaName = reaper.AZ_ReplaceSearchString(childInfoList[e][x].MediaName,string.lower(masterName),string.lower(value))

・Replace the base name with the media name and assign it to newMediaName.

                for z, value in pairs(fileAllList) do

・Loop playback of all files

                    if newMediaName == fileAllList[z].SourceName then

・If sourceName matches newMediaName, execute the following:


・Align the matched media to the specified track and number of seconds











Track/media detection and auto-duplicate same set

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