[ PYTHON ]REAPDOCK/APIDOCK document update

Following last week's Lua version, this week we will introduce the Python version.
This version of REAPDOCK uses the new RIGDOCK automation features, which are now possible with the latest version (1.2.0) of RIGDOCK-GOLD-.
Export the mono waveform you created in Reaper, then import the Work Unit, Actor-Mixer, Blend Container, and the audio waveform you exported below.
When importing, the waveform is inserted in the location corresponding to the subfolder.
Automate them and complete the implementation in one go .
Furthermore, it is possible to freely customize and execute various elements that occur on site.
This is a new implementation technology that completely exceeds human speed.
Be sure to check out this script.
◆Required plan
□For detailed documentation on how to generate ReaScript, see 👇
Make your work more efficient with SILVER's API !
Next time, Reapdock Lua version will be released
New to Reaper/those considering subscribing to a plan
[REAPDOCK]Script documentation can be found here:
[APIDOCK] Please refer to the following table of contents for the APIs used in the script.
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -034- [Foley] Rearrange the cut OK sounds Improved version 1
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -033- [Foley] Rearrange the cut OK sounds
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -032- [Movie] Copy selected video in parallel for a specified number of times
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -031- [Slack] Slack notification after HANDAUTOMER execution
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -030- [Render] Rendering waveforms using saved data
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -029- [Render] Save render settings as text and generate save data
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -027- [Wwise]-Part1- Manipulating each file name
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -026- LOUDMATCHIFY 2nd Edition Name detection loudness execution
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -015- Save data construction part 1-ReaScript!!
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -014- Speeding up audio editing Automatic media insertion Part 1-ReaScript!!
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -012- Essential for MA production!!-Session organization automation 2-ReaScript!!
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -011- Essential for MA production!! -Automate session organization-ReaScript!!
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -010- SE production required! ! -Free Pitch operation-ReaScript! !
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -009- MA production required!! -Delete all muted media-ReaScript!!
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -007- "Sound Design" Essential-Fade Automation-ReaScript!!
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -006- Speed up sound designer! ReaScript for freely adjusting playback speed!!
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -004- Essential for MA! ReaScript to get frame count in 2 seconds!!
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -003- Essential for recording! ReaScript that does a 10 minute job in 2 seconds!!
[REAPDOCK-Python-] -001- Automatically change all selected media to mono