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[REAPDOCK-Lua-] -028- [CEDEC+KYUSHU2024] Successfully automated the process from voice rough editing to Wwise implementation


Updated: Jan 13



Overview of CEDEC KYUSYU2024


[ LUA ]REAPDOCK/APIDOCK document update


Summary 1
Summary 2
Summary 3

This is the latest version of REAPDOCK, which I will be presenting at CEDEC+KYUSHU.

It has evolved further and progressed to the next stage.

This automation has finally succeeded in mechanizing a large part of the work.

The patented technology utilizes HANDAUTOMER/LOUDMATCHIFY/MIDDLESCANNER, and also makes full use of the Render and Wwise APIs included in the latest version of GOLD 1.1.0, released on November 15, 2024.

Thanks to these efforts, we were able to successfully mechanize the workflow for delivered data: audio adjustment → Wwise implementation → volume adjustment → Wwise implementation again.

I hope to thoroughly explain REAPDOCK and share how to implement it at CEDEC+KYUSHU2024.

These automations are essential if we want to focus all our energy on further creativity.

Take this opportunity to take a step forward.

□For detailed documentation on how to generate ReaScript, see 👇

Make your work more efficient with SILVER's API !


Next time, Reapdock Python version will be released






New to Reaper/those considering subscribing to a plan
[REAPDOCK]Script documentation can be found here:
[APIDOCK] Please refer to the following table of contents for the APIs used in the script.





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