Due to the one-hour time limit, we were only able to explain a part of our two major upgraded projects, RIGDOCKS and SKYSQUARE.
There are a number of elements that I would like to explain in more detail, and I hope to provide additional explanations in this blog.
If you watch the time-shifted broadcast and read this article to understand the details, you will be able to understand the content in more detail.
*The distribution period will be two weeks from today until December 11th (Wednesday) .

November 23 (Sat) 14:00-15:00 Speakers: Kentaro Nakajima, Sarina Takeda
[Lecture Content]
RIGDOCKS is a set of APIs required for creating scripts for Repaer. In order to enable sound creators to create their own scripts, we have prepared Japanese documentation and implemented many functions to meet the needs of the field. In this session, we will focus on the improvements made to the BRONZE/SILVER/GOLD versions of RIGDOCKS included with CEDEC2024.
We are also working towards the realization of a large-scale field studio called "SKYSQUARE." The realization of Japan's first field studio is currently facing a very difficult road. We will report in real time on how we are solving these challenges and the current situation.
What is needed to enable the recording of various sounds that cannot be achieved with modern Foley recording? How do we solve these problems? In this session, we will announce how many of these issues are currently being solved.
table of contents
◇Lecture begins

1: Significant cost reductions with cutting-edge automation technology
The current state of "RIGODCKS//SKYSQUARE" that will lead to Japan's first creative endeavors!!
In order to inform you of the current status of our two major projects, which are constantly growing,
I made it the title.
RIGDOCKS has updated two days before CEDEC+KYUSHU will be held on November 23rd.
We wanted to include that information as well as share as much as possible the new features and updates we've just added.
2: Company introduction, speaker introduction, official mascot introduction
We gave a company explanation, introduced the speakers, and introduced our official mascot.
My main job is developing game sounds, and I am also working on two major projects, RIGDOCKS and SKYSQUARE. After my main job of developing game sounds, I want to be able to give as many people as possible a taste of what is wanted on the ground.
We launched the project.
We also have an artist support department called ALGAZODIK, where Takeda is a DJ artist. Loopdirock is our official character. Anything modeled can be executed as a motion, and is used in various advertisements for our booth, including promotional videos.

3: You can watch the CEDEC2024 presentations on YouTube
Due to time constraints, I will explain things quickly.
Please check out this YouTube video for details about the birth of RIGDOCK and our plans. You can also compare how it is growing.
Although CEDEC2024 will take place in August and November with only a three-month difference, we are currently moving forward at full speed.
4: The latest PV of the two major projects RIGDOCKS//SKYSQUARE
This PV is exclusive to CEDEC+KYUSHU2024.
Loopdirock also appears in this PV which expresses the challenge of RIGDOCKS//SKYSQUARE. It is an image video which combines cutting-edge digital technology with the rugged analog expression of Japan's first and largest Foley recording.
5: The birth of RIGDOCKS – Five issues
Why was RIGDOCKS born?
This was born out of five challenges.
The issues we are facing are problems that arise in various game sound fields.
I came up with my own unique solution to this.
This issue is not unique to our company, but is caused by the expansion of game development this year.
In light of modern issues, we aim to improve the field of sound development, which is a specialized profession.
The aim is to encourage more creativity.
RIGDOCKS is a set of APIs that can be executed using the LUA/PYTHON scripting language.
RIGDOCKS-BRIGE- has a license role and a common function role.
The license works in conjunction with the web and BRIGE.
The current MultiUserLicense features will be automatically reflected in one account purchase.
It can be used by up to 5 people with one purchase.

7. What is RIGDOCKS? - An extension of BRONZE
In addition to bug fixes, array handling has been expanded. Some examples are shown exclusively in this blog.
Please see the release notes here for information on changes in this version.
Example: Putting selected media into an array
▼Before - Get the number of selections and register the media in an array using a For statement -
allCount = reaper.AZ_GetMediaTypeCount(0,1)
itemList = {}
for i = 0,allCount-1 do
itemList[i+1] = reaper.AZ_GetMediaItemSelect(0,i,1)
▼After - Output the selected media array of the specified project -
itemList = reaper.AZ_GetSelectedMediaItemList(0)
In this way, we have succeeded in incorporating the settings for obtaining arrays of selected media, which is often used, into the API. Since it can even output the array, each code has been minimized.
It is possible to execute scripts at higher speeds.

8. What is RIGDOCKS? - An extension of SILVER
We are mainly working on fixing bugs. Please check the release notes here for details on the bugs.
SILVER comes with the patented technologies "HANDAUTOMER" and "TALKTRON".
It has automatic voice adjustment and automatic control in multiple languages.
It consists of mid-level APIs.

9. What is RIGDOCKS? - An extension of GOLD
This is Plan GOLD, which has been significantly expanded from CEDEC2024.
It allows for the manipulation of Excel to add APIs that allow further tweaking of Wwise.
In this presentation, we will be demonstrating how to make full use of the expanded features of Wwise.
Please check the release notes for details of updates.
Check out the demo to see an example of using the Wwise extension.
10: What is RIGDOCKS? -About the three patents used in the demonstration-
This is the patented technology that we also mentioned at the previous CEDEC 2024, and this time we explained three patents that will be used in the demonstration.
For detailed information on each patent technology, please see the links below.
We currently hold four patents and have our own cutting edge automation technology.
11: RIGDOCKS demonstration
This demonstration is automated using the Wwise extension that uses GOLD 1.1.1.
Adjust the files in the folder and run the wav waveform from Reaper to Wwise fully automatically.
By provisionally adjusting the data and implementing it,
This will reduce a lot of post-recording work.
ReaScript increases the possibility of automating various tasks that were previously done manually due to the complex procedures required for implementation.
The ReaScript used in the presentation uses Lua. Please check the Reapdock here for details.
cancelType, inputList = reaper.AZ_GetUserInputList("Insert",1,"Path:","D://")
if cancelType then
--file import HANDAUTOMER
fileList = reaper.AZ_GetFilePathList(inputList[1],"wav")
startPos = 0
itemList = {}
for i, value in pairs(fileList) do
itemList[i] = {}
itemList[i]["item"] = reaper.AZ_InsertMediaTrackIdSecond(0,0,value,0,startPos)
インサートしたメディアアイテムにHANDAUTOMERを実行 圧縮率は3
itemList[i]["name"] = reaper.AZ_GetMediaItemName(itemList[i].item)
--get parent
itemList[i]["parent"] = ""
splitList = reaper.AZ_GetStringSplitList(itemList[i].name,"_")
for e, value in pairs(splitList) do
if e == 1 then
itemList[i]["parent"] = itemList[i].parent..value
itemList[i]["parent"] = itemList[i].parent.."_"..value
再度[_]でつなぎ直すことで pl0001_vo_ACTION_01 → pl0001_vo_ACTIONになる
--next start pos setting + regionMarker
endPos = reaper.AZ_GetMediaItemEndTime(itemList[i].item)
startPos = endPos + 1
--render setting
renderPath = "D:\\script\\renderdata"
renderFileName = "render"
jsonStr = reaper.AZ_ReadFile(renderPath,renderFileName..".txt")
render = reaper.AZ_Json_Deserialize(jsonStr)
path = reaper.AZ_SetProjectPathFolder("Rec",3)
render.OutputDir = path
fileList = reaper.AZ_RenderToAudioFile(0,render)
--wwise intro
wwisePath = "\\Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\\Default Work Unit\\Master\\VOICE"
parent = ""
if (reaper.AZ_Wwise_Connect("",8080)) then
--wwise object create
for i, value in pairs(fileList) do
if parent ~= itemList[i].parent then
parent = itemList[i].parent
containerList = reaper.AZ_Wwise_CreateContainer(wwisePath,0,itemList[i].parent)
soundVoiceList = reaper.AZ_Wwise_CreateSoundVoice(containerList.ID,value,itemList[i].name)
itemList[i]["soundVoiceID"] = soundVoiceList.ID
jsonStr = reaper.AZ_ReadFile("D:\\script\\savedata\\savedata","savedata.txt")
loudmatchifyList = reaper.AZ_Json_Deserialize(jsonStr)
for i, value in pairs(itemList) do
wwiseVol = reaper.AZ_MIDDLESCANNER_Wwise_GetVolumeForMediaItem(itemList[i].item,"English(US)")
path = reaper.AZ_SetProjectPathFolder("Rec",3)
render.OutputDir = path
fileList = reaper.AZ_RenderToAudioFile(0,render)
for i, value in pairs(fileList) do

We will report on the latest happenings at SKYSQUARE.
We haven't yet gotten to the point where we can start recording.
We are in a situation where we are always taking three steps forward and two steps back, so we still have a long way to go.
I hope I can inform you of this situation.
13: Introduction to Field Studio SKYSQUARE
I introduced you to the type of land it is.
The total land area is 2,000 tsubo (6,660 m2) with a flat space of over 2300 m2.
For large-scale Foley recording, we prepare a space that can be recorded within this flat space.
There is a wide variety of land types, and the land below has a river running through it, making it ideal for recording water sounds.
14: You need qualifications to make it happen
In order to make this large-scale recording possible, we needed all kinds of construction-related licenses, and we obtained them.
To date, we have successfully obtained eight licenses, enabling us to offer a variety of services, including compatible models.
Construction industry licenses are highly specialized, and even transporting cargo requires various licenses.
Currently, our company's Takeda has also acquired the slinging certification, and we are now able to carry out the work with a two-person team.
15. You need construction machinery to make it happen
The photos and videos introduced at the previous CEDEC 2024 used a 3-ton excavator.
There were a lot of things that had to happen before I could borrow it.
It was my first time to go to a rental shop specializing in construction equipment, so I decided in advance what equipment I wanted to rent and the date.
It was done.
What happened when I borrowed it and what issues came up
Thinking that the quickest solution would be to buy a new excavator, we decided to purchase one.
16: To make it happen, we need materials
There is nothing that can be easily obtained at a home improvement store.
Large components of various materials will be required.
There will need to be a number of different methods in place to secure these materials.
I finally managed to secure a scrapped vehicle.
In order to obtain the scrapped vehicle itself, we asked a private mechanic who is an acquaintance of our staff to help us.
We purchase a car that is on the verge of being scrapped due to a malfunction of the electronic system, and transport it to the site.
We secured it after going through the vehicle scrapping procedures.
Once we had secured the scrapped vehicle, the first thing we did was test lift it.
In order to further secure timber and carry out felling,
I learned this from a forestry professional.
We conducted a training session using the equipment that will actually be used on-site, so we used that.
I would like to carry out tree cutting.
We are holding a special sale this time as well.
▼For the general public
We have a 20% off code available for a limited time.
If you watch the online session, the code will be displayed.
Please refer to this if you are considering purchasing.
▼Academic version (for students/teachers)
It is possible to issue an academic version for a limited time.
Please fill in the necessary information in the contact form and issue a special code to purchase.
Please check the image above for the details.
If you are considering using it, there is a trial version available.
Please consider using them.